Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Psychology Chapter 6 Notes Essay Example

Psychology Chapter 6 Notes Essay Example Psychology Chapter 6 Notes Essay Psychology Chapter 6 Notes Essay Learning – long lasting change in behavior resulting from experience Classical Conditioning – a form of learning in which the first stimulus is the signal of the occurrence of the second stimulus Unconditioned stimulus (US/UCS) – the original stimulus that elicits a response Unconditioned response (UR/UCR) – the involuntary, reflexive response to unconditioned stimulus Conditioned stimulus – the stimulus associating with the original stimulus to elicit a response Conditioned response – salvation elicit from the bell (not getting there yet) Acquisition – learning is taken place once animals response to conditioned stimulus without the existence of unconditioned stimulus the animal has acquired a new behavior Delayed conditioning – the procedure in which conditioned stimulus is presented first and then the unconditioned stimulus is presented while the conditioned stimulus is still evident/continued Extinction – the process of unlearning a behavior Spontaneous Recovery – after a conditioned response has been extinguished with no further training, the response briefly reappears upon the presentation of the conditioned stimulus Generalization – the tendency in which animals response to certain stimuli that are similar the conditioned stimulus Discriminate – in which subjects can be trained to tell the difference between various stimuli Aversive conditioning – negative responses to CSs/USs Eg. Baby Albert experiment: loud noise(US), in which baby Albert fears (UR), is paired with white rat (originally US), so baby Albert then learned to be afraid of white fluffy stuff (generalization) white rat become CS; CR is the response to the white rat alone Second Order/Higher Order conditioning – when CS elicits a CR, the CS is then used as US to condition a response to a new stimulus Eg. Dog salivates when hearing bell rings. Pairing bells with flash lights or others will cause dog to salivate with flash light/ others alone. Learned taste aversion –developing aversion for a certain food/drink because you have experienced uncomfortable feelings after ingesting it. Salient – easily noticeable and therefore create a more powerful conditioned response Operant conditioning – is a sort of learning based on the association of consequences of one’s behavior Law of effect – if the consequence of a behavior is pleasant, the stimulus-response (S-R) connection will be strengthened, and the likelihood of the behavior will increase; if the consequence of a behavior is unpleasant, the stimulus-response (S-R) connection will be weakened, and the likelihood of the behavior will decrease Instrumental learning – consequence is the instrument shaping the future behaviors Skinner box – is a box that has a way/path to deliver food and a lever to press to peck in order to get food Reinforcer – for the sample above, it will be the food. It is something that reinforce/ motivate the subject to have a specific behavior Anything that makes a behavior likely to occur Reinforcement – the process of giving the reinforcer defined by its consequence Positive reinforcement: a behavior is strengthened for the addition of something pleasant Negative reinforcement: a behavior is strengthened for the removal of something unpleasant Escape learning – when one terminate an aversive stimulus Avoidance learning – enables one to avoid unpleasant stimulus altogether Punishment – unpleasant consequence that will a behavior, making a behavior less likely Shaping – a way to reinforce/speed up a behavior we desire to reach 1. Positive punishment: addition of something unpleasant to make a behavior less frequent 2. Negative punishment/ omission training: the removal of something pleasant to make a behavior less frequent Chaining – when subjects are taught to perform a number of responses successively in order to get a reward Discriminative stimulus – the stimulus that the subject is able to distinguish from Primary reinforcers – rewards such as food, water and rest; whose natural properties are reinforcing Secondary reinforcers – things we have learned to value Generalized reinforcer – money, traded for virtually anything Token economy – a system of behavior modification that can be rewarded with tokens/symbols which can be exchanged with variety of reinforcers Premack principle – a principle that states that the reinforcers are not always effective to all subjects depending on how desired and what is desired by the subject. OVERVIEW learning is different from behavior, yet changes in behavior best demonstrates learning learning must result from â€Å"experience† rather than â€Å"innate† or â€Å"biological change† CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Ivan Pavlov, Russian psychologist: discovered â€Å"a kind of† learning while studying digestion in dogs dogs pair the sounds in environment where they were fed with food, began to salivate upon hearing the sounds Pavlov deduce the â€Å"basic principles† of classical conditioning Eg. First stimulus: the sounds in the environment Second stimulus: began to salivate simply upon hearing the sounds People animals can learn to associate neutral stimuli (example: the sound) with stimuli that produce involuntary, reflexive responses (example: food) to respond to the new stimulus as they did to the old one (example: salivate) the unconditioned stimulus the food food elicits the natural and involuntary response salivate factors that affects acqu isition: 1. Repeated pairings of unconditioned stimulus with conditioned stimulus yield stronger conditioned responses 2. Order timing of conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus have impact on strength of conditioning most effective conditioning present conditioned stimulus first and then to introduce the unconditioned stimulus while conditioned stimulus is still evident Less effective methods of learning 1. Trace conditioning: the presentation of conditioned stimulus, followed by a short break, followed by unconditioned stimulus 2. Simultaneous condition: where both conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are presented at the same time 3. Backward condition: Unconditioned stimulus is presented first, follow by conditioned stimulus. This method is particularly ineffective. CS no longer elicits CR classical conditioning for extinction repeatedly presenting CS without US will cause extinction people and animals will have the tendency to respond to similar conditioned stimulates, generalization~ Eg. Animals will salivate to different kinds of ringing bells to discriminate, for animals/people to tell the difference between the conditioned stimulates, the conditioned stimulates, present the specific CS with US while the other CSs with no US BIOLOGY AND CLASSICAL CONDITIONING learned taste aversions demonstrate not all US can be paired with any CSs animals humans are biologically prepared to associate strange taste with the feeling of sickness the food (CS) must be salient in order for us to avoid it sometimes taste aversions are acquired without good reason. Eg. If you are eating some mozzarella sticks a few hours before you fall ill with stomach flu, you might develop an aversion to that popular American appetizer even though it had nothing to do with your sickness OPERANT CONDITIONING Edward Thorndike: first person to research on operant conditioning Edward Thorndike states the law of effect about the pleasant consequence elicits pleasant behavior, unpleasant consequence elicits unpleasant behaviors Edward Thorndike claimed is experiment to be instrumental learning because he believes that consequence is instrumental in shaping future behaviors B. F. Skinner (another famous psychologist for this – behaviorism, area of studies) invented a contraption called Skinner box 2 kinds of reinforcement 1. Positive reinforcement: a behavior is strengthened for the addition of something pleasant 2. Negative reinforcement: a behavior is strengthened for the removal of something unpleasant B. F. Skinner eg. When the rat pushes the lever, the rat will receive its award(food) which cause the rat to push the lever more often – POSTIVE REINFORCEMENT B. F. Skinner eg. The rat hated loud noise but when the rat pushes the lever, the loud noise stops, hich cause the rat to push the lever more frequent to avoid the loud noise – NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT the example above is also a escape learning because the rat can avoid an aversive stimulus for pressing the lever more often an avoidance learning would be when the rat runs away from the loud noise (another behavior/response) to avoid what it hated 2 types of punishment 1. Positive punishment: addition of something unpleasant to make a behavior less frequent 2. Negative punishment/ omission training: the removal of something pleasant to make a behavior less frequent Punishment versus Reinforcement punishment is operant conditioning’s version of aversive conditioning shaping helps to speed up a specific behavior we desired for rat Barnabus is asked to go through a series of veritable obstacles in order to get food as reward chaining the goal of chaining is to link a series of separate behaviors into one complex activity

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pedophilia Research Paper †Psychology (400 Level Course)

Pedophilia Research Paper – Psychology (400 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers Pedophilia Research Paper Psychology (400 Level Course) Abstract Pedophilia is characterized as a long-term disorder that most commonly occurs in males. A pedophile is portrayed as an individual who has sexual urges and fantasies of a child who is 13 or younger. They usually engage in sexual acts such as undressing the child, masturbation, and also fondling and caressing the child. The best way to examine pedophilia is to look at the general information, characteristics, causes, diagnostic, and also the treatment that goes along with the disorder. Pedophilia Research Paper I will always be a pedophile. I like adult women, and am even attracted to them sexually all the time but I am a real pedophile at heart that likes little girls. I also prefer their company much of the time if and wherever possible. To me, I become most aroused sexually with young girls 8-12 years old. They make me the most erect, and I tend to masturbate with them in mind instead of women. I cannot entirely explain it, but I am no worse a person than you! I simply desire them and want to make love with them and feel their bodies (The Pedophilia / Pedophile Education Mirror-Myth #7). This quote is coined from an anonymous man that enjoys expressing his view on pedophilia. Not only is he okay with the idea of pedophilia, he also views it as being a freedom of choice. His twisted and demented vision of pedophilia is so distorted that he goes on to compare it with any other sexual freedom such as homosexuality (The Pedophilia/Pedophile Education Mirror-Myth # 7). This anonymous example is usually what is running through a pedophile’s thoughts. They are most often in denial and will claim that the children are being educated for their own good and have received pleasure from the activities that took place. Pedophiles lack compassion for their victims and express no remorse. They even will accuse their victims of â€Å"coming on to them†, by saying they were tempted or sometimes even trapped. Unfortunately there is no proof as to whether this particular pedophile was sexually abused as a child. However, the majority of paraphilias are in fact sexually abused during their childhood and are usually drawn to adults of the opposite sex. (Pedophilia: The Human Sexuality WEB, 2005). A paraphilia is a person that has had repeated and intense sexual urges or fantasies about watching, touching, or engaging in sexual acts with prepubescent children, and may carry out these urges or fantasies (Comer, 2004). Nine out of ten pedophiles are male and are usually fascinated with females who are in their preteens. Also, it is not uncommon for the sex offender to become intrigued with teenage males. They usually start out as â€Å"normal† people and are extremely shocked and distressed to discover their illicit sexual preference for the prepubertal (Vaknin, 2005). To thoroughly understand pedophilia, one must examine the characteristics, causes, diagnosis, treatments, and therapy that are offered for the sex offender. (Medical Library: Fact Sheet, 1997 APA) The characteristics of a pedophile are very hard to notice but if one were to examine it closely it is evident that they are not your average Joe. Personality characteristics vary amongst pedophiles but usually seem to be very similar once they are directly analyzed. Pedophiles usually display unusual interest in children along with a failed marriage due to dissimilar sexual interest with their spouse. (Medical Library: Fact Sheet, 1997 APA). Their hobbies and interest sometimes include collecting any kinds of items that revolve around children such as models of cars and airplanes. Even a pedophile’s room decorations frequently resemble that of a child (Pedophiles and Child Molesters-The Slaughter of Innocence-Online). Additional characteristics of this particular type of sex offender are that he has few if any friends his own age, thirty or over in age, and usually is single. Pedophiles are not interested in people of their own age. They are so intrigued with childlike obsessions that they forget about reality versus fantasy. What a smart pedophile does to have access with children is to seek employment to where he is forced to be with kids consistently. You can even find them being very involved with volunteering in the community with children related events (Pedophiles and Chile Molesters-The Slaughter of Innocence-Online). Employment usually consists of school teachers, bus drivers, photographers, and even athletic coaches. (Pedophilia, 2004) There seems to be a number of characteristics for pedophilia, however, it is very different when it comes to the causes and reasons why pedophilia occurs. The causes of pedophilia are not very clear, yet personality problems throughout childhood and adolescent years are very evident. Some evidence shows that pedophilia may be genetic or a learned behavior effect (Sexual Health Center, 1991). People have hypothesized but never proven the belief of abnormalities in male-sexual hormones or the brain-chemical serotonin in being a factor of pedophilia. (Pedophilia Associations, 2005) There is always the possibility that the sex offender was molested himself throughout his childhood, therefore, thinking it is okay to do the same to others. When a child is sexually molested, there can be a much distorted view of love and intimacy. There are usually issues that arise later on down the road into their adult life. (The Problem of Pedophilia, 2004) To be diagnosed with pedophilia, the sex offender has to meet certain criteria and actually have had a sexual encounter with a child. The three symptoms that are listed in the DSM-IV are: â€Å"Has the person had repeated fantasies or urges about engaging in sexual activity with a child generally 13 years of younger, or has he actually had sexual encounters with a child, A person who is preoccupied with sexual urges and fantasies that disturb his functioning (that is, negatively affect his relations with others or impair his ability to work effectively), even without ever engaging in a sex act with a child, The fantasies, sexual urges or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. These three criteria have to exist in pedophiles and are the most important for a person to be diagnosed. (Medical Library: Fact Sheet, 1997 APA) Finally, pedophilia is usually treated with cognitive-behavioral therapies. The two most popular approaches are the behavioral self-control training and the relapse-prevention training. Generally the individuals diagnosed with pedophilia can go through the cognitive-behavioral therapy alone or with the medications prescribed to them. (Pedophilia, 2004) To help treat or control pedophilia one needs to take the following medications: Anti-androgens reduce male sex hormones levels and medications that increase serotonin such as Prozac. The two medications have been somewhat successful but with mixed results. (All Psych Online, 1999) The example in the book is mainly talking about these theories in relation to alcohol; however it can be applied to pedophilia. Behavioral self-control training consists of the person keeping track of their urges and keeping up with places that will tempt them the most. They are encouraged to keep a writing journal so that they can place their thoughts on paper and express and recognize that it is wrong. The relapse-prevention training is very similar with the behavioral self-control training in that it is therapy that helps the person realize they need to keep track of when they are around kids and also how much is too much (Comer, 2004). Unfortunately, even after certain treatments, the disorder is sometimes hard to cure. It is chronic and most people who suffer with it will suffer with it for the rest of their lives. Pedophilia is not only a disorder; it can be permanent in the people that are diagnosed with this disorder. The characteristics, causes, diagnosis, treatments, and therapy help for a better understanding of the illness. The disorder is a scary reality because this is something that happens all of the time. One may find it hard to swallow especially having to grasp the feeling that it could be their own child being the victim of these sick people. Pedophilia: The Human Sexuality WEB Pedophilia Narth The Problem of Pedophilia Medical Library: Fact Sheet., 1997 APA Sexual Health Center Pedophilia. 1991-2005 Sussex pulishers. Comer, R.J. (2002). Abnormal Psychology (5th Edition). New York, NY: Worth Publishers. The Roots of Pedophile. Dr. Sam Vaknin. The Pedophilia/Pedophilie Education Website Mirror. All Psych Online: Pedophilia, Absolute Astronomy. Research Papers on Pedophilia Research Paper - Psychology (400 Level Course)Trailblazing by Eric AndersonPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenResearch Process Part OneThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseHip-Hop is Art19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCapital PunishmentThree Concepts of Psychodynamic

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Microeconomics - Essay Example This essay discusses free market, and how the price serves in it as the rationing mechanism. Pricing strategies and effects are also explained, as well as sellers and the way they can sell all they want at the equilibrium price. Two outcomes are probable when the government entails a price floor: if the price floor is lower than the equilibrium price, it is not binding and has no effect on the price or quantity sold, and if the price floor is higher than the equilibrium price, the floor is a binding constraint and a surplus is formed. The quantity supplied surpasses the quantity demanded. In this essay author refers to how buyers’ demands for the good or service must in several ways be rationed among sellers. This essay explaines such a thing using a significant example of a price floor, that is the minimum wage. Minimum wage laws order the lowest price for labor that any employer may pay. The economy nowadays includes not a single labor market, but many labor markets for various types of workers. The impact of the minimum wage was explained as well as workers and their skills and experience that were needed. The Advocates and the Opponents of the minimum wage give their opinion on the topic. While the Advocates consider the procedure as one way to increase the income of the working poor, the Opponents consider that high minimum wage triggers unemployment, encourages teenagers to drop out of school, and prevent several unskilled workers from getting the on-the-job training they need.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Compare the Arts of the High Renaissance with that of the Eighteenth Essay

Compare the Arts of the High Renaissance with that of the Eighteenth Century. Use examples of artists to base your comparisons - Essay Example With Rome as its epi-center, the period can be said to epitomize the spirit of Western Civilization. Leonardo da Vinci’s fresco of the Last Supper is an early definitive work of this period. da Vinci followed it up with Mona Lisa, which was an outstanding work of this era along with Raphael’s The School of Athens. Another notable early work was the Death of Lorenzo de’ Medici in Florence. Michelangelo and Raphael are other key artistic figures of High Renaissance, whose works showcased classical painting tradition as well as inventing new styles such as Mannerism. Alongside Michelangelo, the works of Andrea del Sarto and Correggio exemplify the Mannerist style. (Fletcher, 2000, p.347) High Renaissance art works feature complexity and richness of detail. Human expressions, gestures, postures and figures are paid great deal of attention and detail. Even minor painters of the time such as Mariotto Albertinelli and Fra Bartolomeo excelled in these aspects of visual c omposition. Other emblems of this genre are its iconographic references to Hellenistic art and mythology. Harmony of design and technical excellence are other notable features of High Renaissance art. (Stokstad, 2005, p.115) ... (Speake & Bergin, 2004, p.550) Eighteenth century artistic styles and techniques, on the other hand, are different and more evolved than what was witnessed during the High Renaissance. The main styles that defined art in this century were Neoclassicism, Baroque and Rococo. These styles were pioneered and practiced by such painters as Bernardo Bellotto, Michel Benoist, Giueppe Castiglione, Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin, Vladimir Borovikovsky, among others. Although 18th Century Art was a broader movement, contribution of Italian artists was still significant. Drawing much from the artistic tradition and standards of excellence of High Renaissance, 18th century Italian artists such as Giuseppe Maria Crespi, Alessandro Magnasco, Marco Ricci and Vittore Ghislandi introduced new techniques and styles as well as refined existing traditions. (Levey, 1980, p.23) The inclusion of painters and sculptors from all across the world shows that eighteenth century art is not constrained geographicall y, as was the case with High Renaissance. To this extent, there is a broader range and variety to artistic productions of the period, as exemplified by the inclusion of German painter Jacob Philipp Hackert, Russian artist Dmitry Levitzky, Chinese painter Gai Qi and Japanese printmaker Nishikawa Sukenobu all in one group. Moreover, as science and technology advanced during the eighteenth century, the works of art also subtly reflected these new discoveries and inventions. The loosening grip of Christianity on mainstream European culture and politics had liberalize art in this period compared to the situation during High Renaissance: â€Å"The unifying culture of Christianity was supplanted by the fractious and specialized disciplines of science,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Economic Problems And Issues Essay Example for Free

Economic Problems And Issues Essay Does big business own by corporations synonymous with monopoly? Let us first check the nature of the capitalist market how large firms dominated the market. When only a number of large companies dominated a specific market, what resulted would be an oligopoly. This means that only the larger and selected companies had the command in the market thus excluding smaller firms. This resulted in reducing competitive pressures in the market. In this manner, there is a tendency that the price of commodities may rise above what would be the market level. The oligopolistic producers do not have rivals or competitors coming into their market circle because of relatively high capital costs. The domination of a trade commanded by few big firms especially when they are incorporated into one large organization may result in exploitation and monopoly. In the market economy, if a market is marked by an oligopolies practice, exploitation affects the consumers because they will be charged with higher prices as compared to the price in the competitive market. The Big Businesses therefore are having a bigger slice of the oligopolistic profits because of this unfair competition at the expense of smaller firm. To know more why big business gets more profits due to oligopoly and monopoly, we need to look into the economics of production and marketing in relation to capitalism. Capitalism comes in a way that it focuses on distribution not on fair production. Instead of equal trade, capitalism is guided by hierarchy and inequality to all business concerns. Usually the privately owned businesses do their production mainly for profit where investments, income, distribution and pricing of goods and services are estimated through the operation in a market economy. In the world of business economics, this is how capitalism makes an impact in the regulation of the price of the commodity. Unfortunately due to the potential of the big business to engage in capitalism, they sometimes monopolize the market. According to the economic theory of Malcom Sawyer, within the market trade there exists a certain degree of monopoly. This indicates that profits come to those businesses with monopolistic power. As always, an increase in the monopoly of large firm always directed the profit to them instead to the small businesses. This explains that the degree of monopoly within a market will determine how poorly the small firms will be able to survive as compared to those small firms who are earning more in a more competitive market. The degree of monopoly can be graded with few factors being exhibited by the big business in the market. Their market power is obvious in the volume of their market share, the extent of their advertising, the barriers that prevent small businesses to enter the mainstream and so on. The higher and stronger of these factors, the higher the degree of monopoly. There is however an argument of the monopolistic practice of big businesses. Accordingly they put up higher prices in their product because of the prices of the materials being purchased and used in the manufacturing of goods. Another reason was the unpredictable inflation and the need for sustaining the salaries of their employees. However, any reason would still result in profits for them. Such alibis only undermine the status of their employees as according to their profits. If these companies are forced to lower their prices the employees will suffer due to lower wages and compensations. Also, poor quality materials will be used which result in poor quality products and the demand will fall as well as its production. Basically large firms can always maintain their prices and profits more than the normal price in the market without assistance from the government due to their big financial back-up and market power. The existence of Big Businesses and their influence in the economy has their impact on every nation’s future. In some ways economist always compare them to be practical capitalist building their market world in their own hands. Another bad effect of capitalism and oligopoly is that when big business are lording it over other business, the tendency would be for the smaller firms to also merge and have a fight for a competition. This is to improve their market power and have larger slice of the profits. In effect there is another monopolistic tendency in the market. Although competition is also beneficial to the consumer since they would have many choices with products, and the price would temporarily go down, the competition will most affect smaller and weaker firms. The formation of oligopolies within capitalism will result in the loss of profits for small capitalist directing the profit to Big Business. For this reasons, small and medium sized businesses ends up detesting Big Business and will be blaming the government for unfair and unequal treatment of trade (Mattick, 1974). In conclusion, the capitalists always have the tendency to use monopoly power so they can manipulate the price, the quality and quantity of the commodities. There is no real opportunity for smaller firms when the trade is being ruled by the oligopolistic and monopolistic big businesses. Although there are few advantages with competition, the smaller firms are always outside the room full of opportunities. What they lack is the power to push the big blockade blocking their road to profiteering because of the giants in the trade. The answer to the question now would absolutely be, Yes. Free Trade against Ptotectionism? What is a Free trade and what is Protectionism? Free trade is defined as a market model in which trade in goods and services between or within countries flow freely by government to government laws and restrictions. Included on the restrictions are taxes (tariffs) and other non-tariff trade barriers. On the opposite side is Protectionism. Protectionism is the economic policy of controlling trade between nations or countries such as imposing high tariffs on imported goods, restrictive quotas and other government regulations made to discourage imports from other countries. It also includes anti-dumping laws to protect local industries from a certain foreign nation who could take-over the competition especially in business. Some people call protectionism as â€Å"fair trade† and it may sound alluring at first. Some supporters of protectionism agree that keeping out foreign commodities will save domestic jobs and give a chance for jobs to recover and enrich themselves. It will also sustain trade deficits as well. But are these claims have enough economic basis? Protectionism in effect raises tariffs and imposes quotas on the volume of commodities the government allows to come into the country. Although tariffs is one of the major financial resources of a country, such laws restriction control the choice of consumers to have freedom of choice as well as it also opens job to the trade. According to the US Department of Labor’s statistics, eight jobs are getting lost compared to one job saved in a protected industry due to protectionism Let us give an example, in Japan the government was protecting their own farmers against the influx of imported rice from other countries but in return they are paying five times more as compared with the rice in the world market. Even the European and U. S. consumers are paying more than double the price of their own commodities on certain products as compared to price in the world market take for example agricultural products such as sugar. When the U. S. Semiconductor Trade Pact pressured the Japanese to cut back production and exportation of their computer memory chips, the result was a worldwide shortage of this parts and the eventual rise of demand and short of supply. Eventually, this has caused price increase and the technology was badly hurt by such restriction. The laws of protectionism force you to pay more on taxes on foreign and imported commodities but also increase your domestic taxes as well. This happens when governments enlarge their Customs Department Bureaucracies to guard and enforce rules with trade restrictions. So if there is no benefit for protectionism, why is it being imposed and who gains from it? Those who gain specially from it are usually groups with their special interest. Such as big corporations, unions, and farmer’s groups whom they want to command higher prices as much as getting higher wages. Such groups are thought to have special political and influential clout to politicians which pass laws favorable to their counterpart. Who are the losers with protectionism? The answer would be very clear the people and their government. Then what are the benefits of a free trade? Substantially, all countries benefits from free trade. In the US, every agreement within the free trade must be checked and balanced critically. At present, the U. S. economy is being augmented by more than $12 trillion in gross income from tree trade. American exports in the 2005 has totaled to an estimated of $1. 2 trillion. Jobs that are connected with production of goods for export are 13 to 18 percent higher. The free trade policies have made competition today on a higher level in the open market. This led to better innovation and better products, higher salaries, new markets and more savings for the employees and the government. Free trade has been bolstering America’s high standard of living and there would be more opportunities and income if trade restrictions could be alleviated further. For the past 50 years, trade liberalization has made an extra $9,000 per year for each American household according to the study made by The Institute for International Economics. The relaxation of regulations by the North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Uruguay Round of the WTO—the two major agencies that impose agreements between nations has generated an annual additional benefits of $1,300–$2,000 for the standard American family of four. In conclusion to this, freer trade facilitates more goods and services to reach consumers at lower prices, providing families additional income which they can use to buy other consumer goods. It does not only help families but helps to widen global freedom, follows international law, and provide economic development especially on poor or third world countries. The World Bank also reported in 1990 that the per capita real income is three times bigger in developing countries that has opened their markets to free trade or loosen up strict regulations on certain imported products. Freer trade and market reforms have lifted more than 500 million people from poverty for the last 25 years. This in every opinion is enough to agree on trade liberalization rather than stayed embrace with the so called â€Å"fair trade† and remained stocked from a world full of opportunities (Markheim, 2007).

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Defense of Henry Sweet :: Essays Papers

The Defense of Henry Sweet For this assignment, I found a speech that was given by a famous defense attorney named Clarence Darrow. This speech is his closing remarks to the all-white jury in defense of a black man named Henry Sweet. The trial took place in Detroit, Michigan in May of 1926. Henry Sweet was accused of first-degree murder. I chose this text for my paper because it had more persuasive techniques in it than anything else I came across. Which is to be expected, because after all, the whole purpose of the speech was to persuade the jury. One of the techniques that this speech has an abundance of is the use of purr words. Darrow referred to the jury numerous times as being the â€Å"kindly†, â€Å"decent†, and â€Å"most humane† people of the society. He referred to the jury selection process by saying, â€Å"it took us a week to find you, a week of culling out the prejudice and hatred. Probably we did not cull it all out at that, but we took the best and the fairest that we could find.† The question that immediately came to my mind when I read that was, â€Å"best† and â€Å"fairest† of what/who? There were many instances like these throughout the speech. Darrow also made use of labels in the same way. By saying to the jury that he believed they were fair, just, and unprejudiced, he was trying to program them to overlook the fact that the defendant was black, (which, of course, was a very big deal back then†¦especially to the all-white jury). Darrow said at one point, â€Å"†¦ you know that if white men had been fighting their way against colored men, nobody would have dreamed of prosecution. And that from the beginning of this case to the end†¦ the prosecution is based on race prejudice and nothing else.† He based his whole speech on prejudice (and an argument against it) and the labels that he gave the jury were just one of many ways he did this. Darrow also referred to Henry Sweet as a â€Å"boy† on numerous occasions. Sweet was a grown man, but by labeling him as a boy, it made him seem more innocent and faultless to his audience.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Vital Nature Of Human Being Engineering Essay

Bing in comfort zone is a critical nature of human being. Something less attempt able ever attracts human head. This invention belongs in a zone far more advanced than a fan operated by a manual regulator. This device controls the velocity of the initiation motor used in a fan automatically by feeling the current. Like normal family fan regulators it does non necessitate any attending for commanding the velocity of the fan and therefore it reduces human attempt which is really much clear to us. It uses a TRIAC ( Triode for AC ) based circuitry which minimizes energy ingestion and therefore saves power Vongmanee ( 2004 ) . It gives a broad control of working temperature scope to the user while besides supplying manual control in instance of demand. These characteristics are every bit interesting every bit good as really utile for the mediocre category because of a low purchasing and care cost. This whole invention will be discussed in wining points. Power electronic convertors can be found wherever there is a demand to modify the electrical energy signifier ( i.e. modify its electromotive force, current or frequence ) . Therefore, their power scope from some milli watts ( as in a nomadic phone ) to 100s of megawatts ( e.g in a HVDC transmittal system ) . With â€Å" classical † electronics, electrical currents and electromotive force are used to transport information, whereas with power electronics, they carry power. Therefore the chief metric of power electronics becomes the efficiency Rabisankar ( 2012 ) . Most power electronics systems consist of two major faculties which are power electronics processor that handles power transportation from input to end product and accountant that tells the power processor of what to make by taking the measuring that happens at end product and compared to input.Problem StatementNowadays, many industries utilizing electrical machine in their mill. Electrical machine are used to do the work can be done in clip and to cut down work force in the industry. There is several type of electrical machine we are utilizing today. We have DC motor such as DC series motor and DC shunt motor. We besides have synchronal motor that runs at changeless velocity and we are besides holding initiation motor. A rectifier is an electronic circuit that converts bidirectional electromotive force ( AC electromotive force ) to unidirectional electromotive force ( DC electromotive force ) by utilizing power rectifying tubes or by commanding the firing angle of thyristor/controllable switches. Rectifier normally can be divided into two types that are uncontrolled and phase-controlled. Each type can hold either individual stage or three-phase. A rectifying tube is the simplest electronics switch which it is uncontrolled that the on and off provinces can be determined by the power supply in the circuit itself. AC to DC convertor is largely used in industries and besides in domestic equipment. But many rectifiers in the market merely produce fixed end product so the applications of the rectifiers are limited for certain equipment merely. So, the DC degree of the end product and the power transferred to the burden are fixed when the beginning and burden parametric quantities are established. Holmes ( 1993 ) , Zein ( 1999 ) and Kischan ( 2010 ) . Therefore, to get the better of this job there is a manner to command the end product electromotive force of the rectifier. Basically, the individual stage rectifier is designed utilizing the thyristors or more specifically are called Silicon Control Rectifier ( SCR ) which connected in full-wave rectifier. A thyristor is four beds ( pnpn ) semiconducting material devices that act as switches, rectifiers or electromotive force regulators. Thyristors are electronic switches used in power electronics circuits where control of switch turn-on is required power Vongmanee ( 2004 ) . Therefore, the end product electromotive force can be variable from the scope of nothing electromotive force to full electromotive force by commanding the hold angle of the SCR.Aim and Aims1.3.1 AimThe purpose of the undertaking is to command the velocity of individual stage initiation motor utilizing microcontroller.1.3.2 AimsTo plan the AC electromotive force convertor to changing motor electromotive force To implement the velocity detector for feeling the velocity To compose the plan for commanding the operation of electromotive force convertorScope of the surveyThis undertaking concentrates on a development of a circuit and hardware to acquire dc end product utilizing SCR and PIC16F84A as chief constituent of the undertaking. Besides the Scopess is to plan a microcontroller to command hold angle I ± and it produced variable end products ( velocity ) . To develop the whole undertaking, it consists of three methods which are the construct of shift, the electrical construction, and the package scheduling. After planing and edifice wholly the rectifier circuit, the driver circuit should be able to command the hold angle I ± , that can be adjusted by utilizing microcontroller. It will affect the scheduling development to command the ON province of the power switch and adjust the stage angle. Here, the trigger angle of SCRs will be programmed in certain clip sequence to guarantee the input electromotive force goes from low to full electromotive force.Report StructureThere are all six chapters being constructions in this thesis and every chapter will lucubrate in item about this undertaking. For the first chapter, an overview about this undertaking, Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor is discussed including the aims and Scopess of the undertaking as a usher to develop the individual stage controlled rectifier. Chapter 2 will explicate and discourse on the literature reappraisal of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor. It besides focuses on general debut of the AC to DC convertor with the complete information about this convertor. It gives a brief reappraisal about the types of the rectifiers: uncontrolled and controlled individual stage and three stage convertors used as rectifiers. In this chapter besides discuss about the type of thyristor andthe feature of each type. Chapter 3 discusses the methodological analysiss of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor that has been applied in finishing this undertaking. In this chapter, it consists of block diagram and flux chart which are explained about the procedure of execution and how the AC electromotive force converts to DC electromotive force so connected to the burden such as DC motor. It is besides discusses briefly how the end product electromotive force can be varied. Chapter 4: we discuss the package and hardware execution of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor utilizing flow charts and simulation consequences for package execution and PCB layout and hardware working for hardware execution Chapter 5 is discoursing and exposing all the consequences obtained and the restriction of the undertaking. All treatments are concentrated on the consequence and the overall public presentation of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor. Chapter 6 in overall will discourse on the decision and sum-up of the development of the Speed Control of Single Phase Induction Motor completed undertaking. In this chapter besides discusses on the jobs and recommendation for this undertaking development or alteration.Chapter 2LITERATURE REVIEW & A ; THEORETICAL BACKGROUND2.1 IntroductionThe literature reappraisal and the theoretical background about this undertaking have been made from assorted beginnings like diaries, books, articles and others. From the literature reappraisal, the input that have been collected is utile for better apprehension of this undertaking. It is because for about a century, rectifier circuits have been the most common power electronics circuits used to change over AC to DC. The AC-DC convertor produces a DC end product from an AC input while the mean power transferred from an AC beginning to a DC burden. This convertor normally besides called as a rectifier. The word rectification is used non because thes e circuits produce DC but instead because the current flows in one way. By and large, there are two types of AC-DC convertors which are uncontrolled and controlled.2.2 Literature ReviewHere in the literature reappraisal we understand about this undertaking have been made from assorted beginnings like diaries, books, articles and others. From the literature reappraisal, the input that have been collected is utile for better apprehension of this undertaking2.2.1 Background of Induction motorInitiation motors are little motors holding an end product power less than one Equus caballus power and are by and large operated on individual stage AC supply. These motors perform assortments of service in the place, office, concern concerns, mills and farms and in a figure of other applications where individual stage supply is available. The velocity of initiation motor can be reduced by diminishing stator electromotive force by an sum which is sufficient for the velocity control of some thrusts. While torsion is relative to voltage squared, current is relative to voltage hence, as electromotive force is reduced to cut down velocity, for same current motor develops lower torsion. Consequently, method is suited for application where torsion demand reduces with velocity, which points towards its suitableness for fan and pump thrusts. Variable electromotive force for velocity control is obtained utilizing ac electromotive force accountants. Industrial fans and pumps are normally driven by initiation motors. Thyristors are normally used for commanding the electromotive force to command the velocity of initiation motor. Speed control is obtained by changing conductivity period of thyristors. For low power evaluation machines, anti-paralleled thyristor brace is used.A Speed of the motor can be varied more or less uniformly in the scope of 80 % to 30 % of synchronal velocity of the motor by changing the electromotive force between 100 % to 30 % . The stator electromotive force is controlled in these velocity control systems by agencies of a power electronic accountant. Here two thyristors in anti-parallel are connected between the line and motor in a stage. Normally thyristors in stage control manner are used. It is besides possible to fire the thyristors for merely a part of the rhythm, therefore using conductivity angle use. This is utile in motor control.A A The conductivity of thyristor brace is controlled by altering firing angle of thyristors through microcontroller.2.2.2 Review on Speed Control of Single Phase Induction MotorIn this undertaking the writer speaks about An adjustable velocity thrust moving on the subsidiary twist of single-phase initiation motors is described. Speed fluctuations are obtained by seting the electromagnetic torsi on by commanding the subsidiary twist electromotive force magnitude and stage angle while the motor ‘s chief twist is straight connected to the local public-service corporation mercantile establishment. A variable subsidiary twist electromotive force stage angle is shown to give important torsion control, supplying get downing and driving torsion, every bit good as reversability and some braking torsion. The analysis includes the finding of the relationship between the subsidiary twist electromotive force stage angle and the stage angle difference between the chief and subsidiary twist currents. A control methodological analysis for choosing an subsidiary twist electromotive force magnitude and stage angle is examined. Simulation consequences of the motor ‘s torque-speed features utilizing the controlled subsidiary twist supply are shown and discussed. In decision the thrust was tested utilizing a ergometer to by experimentation verify the consequences of the theory and simulations, and to research the practicality of a simple, low-priced single-phase initiation motor thrust utilizing subsidiary tortuous electromotive force control Collins ( ) Then the writer in this paper reports about a High-performance Speed-Sensorless Control of an Induction Motor Drive Using a Minimalist Single-Phase PWM Converter where he states that Home contraptions and comfort conditioners are yet to profit from the recent developments in power electronics because of cost restraints. In this paper, a speed-sensorless initiation motor thrust system utilizing convertors with decreased device counts ( minimalist, thin convertors ) and actuated from a single-phase system is proposed for such low-priced applications. The analysis, control, dynamic, and steady-state features of the proposed thrust are by experimentation illustrated. In decision the undertaking was able to show the methodological analysis for the analysis and control of a high-performance initiation motor thrust actuated by two controlled rectifier-inverter systems with decreased count of exchanging devices. The general attack for finding the transition signals required for the carrier-based PWM pulsation coevals for this category of minimalist convertors has been set Forth. The input supply electromotive force is a individual stage and the input current is controlled utilizing a natural mention frame accountant to run near to integrity supplanting power factor. Olorunfemi ( 2005 ) This paper the writers Rodrigo and Hilton ( 2006 ) investigates the job of single-phase initiation motor ( SPIM ) sensorless velocity control. A distinct clip PI accountant and a sensorless technique are implemented on a PC-based platform utilizing a standard three-phase inverter thrust and vector control. An indirect rotor flux oriented control technique is developed based on a sensorless technique. A MRAS with a Kalman Filter algorithm is developed for a rotor velocity appraisal. In decision the Simulation and experimental consequences are presented to formalize the effectivity of the method. a MRAS sensorless control method was applied to a single-phase initiation motor. A MRAS algorithm was used to gauge the rotor velocity, from the computation of the motor instantaneous reactive power. In add-on, a Kalman Filter was used to filtrate the works variable provinces for a minimisation of the velocity estimation oscillations. An Indirect Field Orientation Control technique was used in the individual stage initiation motor thrust. This method is an alternate for single-phase initiation motor thrusts and can better efficiency with variable velocity operation. Experimental and simulation consequences show the effectivity of the technique. Here the writer sates that A centroid-based binary weight multiplier ( CBWM ) exchanging technique was proposed, which was suited for full-bridge inverter applications of individual stage initiation motor ( SPIM ) velocity. control by utilizing 8 spot CBWM to modulate square single-phase wave form and merchandise a control signal form. This technique was evaluated, and its public presentation was compared with bing BRM exchanging technique. In decision the public presentation rating and comparing was involved to the entire harmonic deformation ( THD ) , figure of pulsations per rhythm of the inverter end product wave form, both evident and reactive power. The aim of the new shift technique is to minimise the THD. The simulation consequences presented in this paper, the CBRM shift technique yields a important betterment in footings of minimum THD ( 5 % -100/ , ) when comparison with BRM. The CBWM has been considered to use for variable-speed of the individual stage three stage initiation motor thrust applications in footings of changing electromotive force and changing frequence Tipsuwanpom ( 2001 ) . This paper describes a low cost strategy for commanding the velocity of a three stage initiation motor. The motor was connected to a individual stage supply via a two component stage balancer. Speed control is achieved by changing the supply electromotive force utilizing the stage angle control. Theoretical analysis is supported by experimental measurings. Finally as consequences a new and cost effectual strategy for commanding the velocity of a three stage initiation motor fed from a individual stage supply has been presented. The proper strategy requires a individual stage supply and two thyristors as opposed to the three stage supply and six thyristors in the conventional strategy. A two-element stage balancer has been used in the new strategy to accommodate the motor to the supply. The two elements are made pure reactive elements in order to cut down the Cu loss. The value of the two reactive elements can be selected to be variable to guarantee zero negative sequence electromotive force for whole the scope of operation. Alternatively, the strategy may be simplified by choosing an mean fixed value for the two elements to give about minimal imbalance between the stator electromotive forces in achieve better public presentation both in the steady province and transeunt conditions. Experimental consequences confirm the high qu ality of the proposed strategy. Alolah ( 1993 ) In this paper the writer Jannati ( 2011 ) states that This paper discusses a new vector control scheme for single-phase initiation motor runing with two twists. The vector control is based on the Rotor Field Oriented ( R.F.O ) method that was adapted for this type of machine. This new vector control is suited for all of the imbalanced initiation motors. Furthermore the rotor velocity of the imbalanced motor was estimated by utilizing Extended Kalman Filter ( EKF ) . The consequences shows the good public presentation of the proposed method. Single-phase initiation motors are widely used in the place and industrial applications. Although the power of these motors is low the figure of them is high and they use a big portion of produced electrical power. On the other manus the efficiency of these motors is low so we can state that a big sum of electrical power is wasted by these types of motors. In this paper, we proposed to utilize a power electronic thrust to increase the efficiency of the individual stage initiation motors. In add-on, we proposed a new method for the vector control of the motor. In this paper is focused on the velocity control of a individual or two stage initiation motor utilizing a diametral inversion ( DI ) of the stator electromotive forces. The alterations in the velocity mistake mark are responsible for each DI which inverts the stator electromotive force phasor and its angular speed. The chief and the subsidiary twists are ever connected and therefore the velocity mistake mark allows to determinate the revolving field way. The motor is fed by a rectifier associated with a three-phase inverter. The nucleus of the thrust bid it ‘s a 16-bit dsPIC device, which receives the velocity mistake mark and bring forth the appropriate PWM mention electromotive forces marks to the three-phase inverter. In decision In this new attack the diametral inversion was used, avoiding the rotor flux place finding in every blink of an eye. With this bid action the applied electromotive force phasor can be inverted and revolve in the opposite way depending on the velocity mistake mark. As effect, the torque way can alter really rapidly and the thrust will hold a good public presentation. Hence, the motor velocity can be easy adjusted. The consequences revealed that the rotor velocity reaches the mention velocity without relay Manual ( 2008 ) . The writer Deniz and Murat ( 2008 ) presents a variable velocity control method for fan applications. A pulse-width-modulated ( PWM ) AC chopper changes the effectual value of the supply electromotive force applied to a single-phase initiation motor. This variable supply electromotive force gives the ability to command the velocity of the motor. Harmonicss generated by the velocity control unit are by an input harmonizing to EN 61000-3-2 bounds for harmonic current emanations criterions. In decision A 25kHz PWM AC Chopper used in a single-phase initiation motor thrust was designed and realized in this survey for both domestic and industrial fan applications. This circuit can be used to command the motor velocity harmonizing to the temperature mention. Due to high frequence shift, the PWM AC chopper does non bring forth low frequence harmonics which are multiples of the 50Hz constituent. The harmonic deformations appear at higher frequences that are really multiples of the shift frequence and really easy to filtrate. This paper on Single-phase Induction Motor Speed Control Through a PIC Controlled Sinusoidal PWM Inverter to analyze the public presentation of a single-phase PIC ( programmable integrated circuit ) controlled sinusoidal PWM inverter driving a single-phase initiation motor ( with get downing capacitance ) at assorted burden conditions ( 3/4 of burden and full burden ) . The control was implemented in such a manner that it is allowed the alteration in the motor velocity via a PIC. The attraction of this constellation is the riddance of a personal computer to bring forth sinusoidal PWM pulsations. As consequences it was able to accomplish the chief undertaking in this work, is to do a compact openloop sinusoidal PWM inverter to command the velocity of an little single-phase initiation motor. This compact inverter had its hardware reduced to a lower limit through the usage of a programmable incorporate circuit ( PIC ) micro-controller ( PIC16C73A ) . In this sense a personal computer interface was avoided. One of the troubles was the deficiency of information on the most efficient control logic in this instance and its aims. One of the grounds was that the usage of a PIC in such applications is really recent, the other ground is the deficiency of importance in the industry ‘s sentiment of the single-phase accountants when compared with three-phase control systems Cunha ( 2001 ) . In this paper a Single stage initiation motors ( SPIM ) are widely used at low power degrees because of their simple building, robust nature and nominal monetary value. Conventionally, they have one operational stator twist and the velocity of the motor is non controlled. But SPIM drives for higher power degrees have both chief and subsidiary twist staying operational throughout and can be treated as asymmetrical, two-phase machines. High public presentation operation of these asymmetrical machines was associated with the jobs of patterning the dissymmetry and commanding the electromagnetic torsion oscillations. Different research groups have proposed different strategies to undertake the above said troubles. In decision the theory, analysis and simulation consequences for the vector control technique for SPIM based on stator flux orientation are presented as above. From the consequences, it can be concluded that both for flux weakening part ( above base velocity ) and changeless flux zone ( below base velocity ) , the algorithm performs satisfactorily. The little torsion oscillations are low-cost sing the simpleness of the algorithm Nanda ( 2011 ) . This paper presents the photovoltaic ( PV ) H2O pumping system with a maximal power point trailing ( MF'PT ) . The H2O pumping system uses a variable velocity individual stage initiation motor ( SPIM ) driven a centifugal pump by a field oriented control ( FOC ) inverter. The system under survey consists of two subdivisions. First, the MPPT utilizing a DC-DC convertor controlled the responsibility rhythm to track maximal power 60m PV under different sunstroke conditions. The responsibility rhythm straight relate with a flux bring forthing current constituent ( Ids ) . Second, the FOC inverter uses a current control electromotive force beginning inverter ( CC-VSI ) for SPIM driven the centifugal pump. As consequences the field oriented control individual stage initiation motor thrust system supplied by photovoltaic arrays is presented in this paper. The SIMULINK plan is used tool in simulation for determine the respond of thrust system by closely generated status with the degree of light strength alteration. The simulation consequence is demonstrated the respond of thrust in electromotive force ( Vdq ) , current ( Idq ) , motor ‘s velocity and electromagnetic torsion which are changed as measure input bid and measure burden. The decision are shown when the light strength degree alteration, the electromotive force and the velocity of motor are changed as good, ensuing from the system received the power increased. As reference, burden of motor pump is changed. The capacity of pump will precisely depend on the velocity of motor alteration Varni ( 2004 ) . In this paper the writer discusses about The diametral inversion ( DI ) of the stator voltages has been used to command the rotor place of the three phase- initiation motor. In this paper the DI is applied on a individual stage initiation motor thrust to command its velocity. The alteration of the velocity mistake mark causes a DI. Each DI inverts the stator electromotive force phasor and its angular speed. The chief and the subsidiary twists are ever connected and so the mark of the velocity mistake determines the revolving field way. The motor is fed by a rectifier associated with a three-phase inverter faculty. Two mention electromotive forces are PWM modulated utilizing a sigma-delta closed cringle scheme. As decision the consequence of an probe about a new attack to controsl the velocity of a individual stage or two initiation motor thrust was presented and its effectivity was analyzed by several simulation trials. In this new attack the diametral inversion was used. With this bid action the applied electromotive force phasor can be inverted and revolve in the opposite way depending on the signal mistake velocity. As effect, the torque way can alter really rapidly and the thrust will hold a good public presentation. The simulation consequences revealed that the rotor velocity reaches the mention velocity without muffling and with irrelevant wave-off in laden or unloaded conditions. The simulation consequences besides revealed that the velocity control presents high hardiness against external torsion perturbations Manuel and Armando ( 2008 ) . Here in Operating individual stage initiation motors across a broad scope of velocity and burden with high efficiency the writer Klaus ( 2009 ) has stated in the paper at manus the suitableness of several different capacitance run individual stage initiation machines for Phase Control, Integral ( Half ) Cycle Control or Integral Switched Cycle Control is investigated. The initiation machine ‘s theoretical account ‘s electrical and mechanical parametric quantities are estimated and simulations are carried out in order to look into the influence of the parametric quantities on entire input power, torsion and losingss. Measurements are carried out entering rotor velocity and entire input power comparing Phase Control and Integral Switched Cycle Control at about the same operating points. From these informations a simple method is derived that can be used for choosing machines for low cost velocity controlled thrusts. In decision the parametric quantities rotor weaving opposition and escape reactance provide a good standard for choosing individual stage initiation motors for low cost velocity control drives. These parametric quantities can be derived from the individual stage locked rotor trial, which is simple to execute, or can be obtained from the maker of the machine. Another possibility is to utilize the absolute value of the individual stage short circuit electric resistance as a step of the suitableness of a certain machine. The higher the per unit values of these parametric quantities are, the lower the input power and therewith the temperature rise at low velocity. In this paper a Single Phase AC Induction Motors are one of the most widely used motors In the universe, yet comparatively small work has been done In the application of power electronic convertors to these motors to accomplish variable velocity operation. Where variable velocity is required, it Is normally achieved either by mechanical choking, or by exchanging between two or more flexed twist constellations. This paper proposes a method for utilizing a standard three stage electromotive force beginning inverter to accomplish broad scope variable velocity control of a individual stage Induction motor, by linking the chief and subsidiary twists of the motor across the span as an imbalanced three stage burden. The motor Is analyzed as an imbalanced two stage system to find the torsion that can be expected under variable frequence control, and a new transition scheme Is described which achieves the maximal possible convertor for a two stage end product electromotive force ( balanced or unbalanced ) . In decision method for modulating a three stage VSI span to accomplish broad scope variable velocity operation of a balanced or imbalanced two weaving initiation motor. It investigates motor operation under these conditions, and considers restrictions inherent in the technique. From these probes, a precise transition scheme is proposed for supply frequences runing from nothing to motor rated frequence, so that rated torsion can be achieve from the motor at any velocity with the motor operating at a little faux pas. The scheme has been to the full verified both in simulation and by experimentation Holmes & A ; . Kotsopoulos ( 1993 ) . In this paper, a fresh velocity control of a individual stage initiation motor is proposed utilizing a modified inverter. Three MOSFETs are used for commanding the flux linkage of a individual stage transformer, its secondary twist is connected in series with the motor. On-line Bang-Bang velocity control of motor strategy is implemented utilizing a microprocessor to deduce the inverter. A mathematical theoretical account for the single-phase initiation motor is presented, which is used to construct up a simulation plan for a certain coveted velocity. Experimental consequences have been carried out to look into the motor public presentation with the accountant. Good understanding has been obtained between simulation and experimental consequences. In decision fresh method of velocity control of an ac motor ( single-phase running capacitance initiation motor ) by seting the flux linkage between two magnetic spirals utilizing a modified inverter and Bang-Bang control. This scheme influences the effectual tantamount induction of two spirals connected in series with the motor, accordingly control the motor applied electromotive force. Simulation and experimental survey have shown that, by this method of control the velocity of the motor can be changed swimmingly from zero value to the rated velocity with high response Zein ( 1999 ) . In this paper the writer Krischan ( 2010 ) states about a Low cost velocity control of capacitance run individual stage initiation motors across a broad scope of velocity and burden continues to be of involvement. In the paper at manus the line reaction every bit good as the electromagnetic compatibility of three different methods for velocity control – Phase Control, Integral ( Half ) Cycle Control or Integral Switched Cycle Control – is investigated. Measurements are carried out at different rotor velocity and burden torsion, comparing the methods at about the same operating points. FFT is computed for the line currents and measurings on electromagnetic compatibility. As decision they met the bounds given by the European Standard with Phase Control every bit good as with Integral Cycle Control, a brinies filter has to be used. Uniting Built-in Cycle Control with Phase Control leads to higher costs in order to follow with EMC ordinances but provides much higher efficiency.2.3 Theoretical BackgroundIn this subdivision we discuss about the theoretical background of our undertaking where we shall discourse about the chief hypothesis and the inside informations of the peripherals and constituents of the undertaking to construct in the proto type.2.3.1 Personal computer Software:Hardware can be interfaced with the personal computer to command the velocity of motor. It has no as such practical usage it is merely for larning point of position. Hardware can be connected with personal computer through a consecutive port. Consecutive communicating is used to pass on between hardware and package. Ocular basic 6 is used for doing this GUI ( Graphic user Interf ace ) . Baud rate is 2400 bits per second. Degree centigrades: UsersSONYDesktopic-max-232.jpg Figure 2.1 MAX 232 device TheA MAX232A is anA incorporate circuit, foremost created byA Maxim Integrated Products, that converts signals from anA RS-232A series port to signals suited for usage inA TTLA compatible digital logic circuits. The MAX232 is a double driver/receiver and typically converts the RX, TX, CTS and RTS signals.2.3.2 The ThyristorThyristors or Si controlled rectifiers ( SCR ) as they are sometimes known may look to be unusual electronics constituents in many ways, but they are peculiarly utile for commanding power circuits. As such these electronics constituents are frequently used for applications such as light dimmers, and there may be thyristor circuits used in many power supply applications. Thyristors are simple to utilize and cheap to purchase and frequently thyristor circuits are easy to construct and utilize. All these grounds make thyristors ideal constituents to see for many applications. The thyristor may be considered a instead an unusual signifier of electronics constituent because it consists of four beds of otherwise doped Si instead than the three beds of the conventional bipolar transistors. Whereas conventional transistors may hold a p-n-p or n-p-n construction with the electrodes named aggregator, base and emitter, the thyristor has a p-n-p-n construction with the outer beds with their electrodes referred to as the anode ( n-type ) and the cathode ( p-type ) . The control terminus of the SCR is named the gate and it is connected to the p-type bed that adjoins the cathode bed. Structure of a thyristor or Si controlled rectifier ( SCR ) Figure 2.2 Structure of a thyristor or Si controlled rectifier ( SCR ) Thyristors are normally manufactured from Si, although, in theory other types of semiconducting material could be used. The first ground for utilizing Si for thyistors is that Si is the ideal pick because of its overall belongingss. It is able to manage the electromotive force and currents required for high power applications. Additionally it has good thermal belongingss. The 2nd major ground is that Si engineering is good established and it is widely used for a assortment of semiconducting material electronics constituents. As a consequence it is really inexpensive and easy for semiconducting material makers to utilize. The manner in which a thyristor operates is different to other devices. Normally no current flows across the device. However if a supply is connected across the device, and a little sum of current is injected into the gate, so the device will â€Å" fire † and behavior. It will stay in the conducting province until the supply is removed. To see how the thyristor operates, it is deserving looking at a thyristor tantamount circuit. For the interest of an account, the thyristor circuit can be considered as two dorsum to endorse transistors. The first transistor with its emitter connected to the cathode of the thyristor is an n-p-n device, whereas a 2nd transistor with its emitter connected to the anode of the thyristor, SCR is a p-n-p assortment. The gate is connected to the base of the n-p-n transistor as shown below. Thyristor tantamount circuit Figure 2.3 Thyristor tantamount circuit When a electromotive force is applied across a thyristor no current flows because neither transistor is carry oning. As a consequence there is no complete way across the device. If a little current is passed through the gate electrode, this will turn â€Å" on † the transistor TR2. When this occurs it will do the aggregator of TR2 to fall towards the electromotive force on the emitter, i.e. the cathode of the whole device. When this occurs it will do current to flux through the base of TR1 and turn this transistor â€Å" on † . Again this will now seek to draw the electromotive force on the aggregator of TR1 towards its emitter electromotive force. This will do current to flux in the emitter of TR2, doing its â€Å" on † province to be maintained. In this manner it merely requires a little trigger pulsation on the gate to turn the thyristor on. Once switched on, the thyristor can merely be turned off by taking the supply electromotive force. It can be seen that current will merely flux in one way through the thyristor. If a contrary electromotive force is applied, so no current will flux, even if some gate current is applied. In this manner for thyristor circuits used for AC, operation merely occurs over one half of the AC wave form. For the other half of the rhythm the device remains inoperative and no current can flux. There are many thyristor circuits that are in common usage. They can be sued in many applications from AC control as am utilizing it here to command the velocity of AC motor. The thyristor driver – Opto-isolator: besides called anA optocoupler, A photocoupler, orA optical isolator, is â€Å" an electronic device designed to reassign electrical signals by using light moving ridges to supply matching with electrical isolation between its input and end product † .The chief intent of an opto-isolator is â€Å" to preventA high voltagesA or quickly altering electromotive forces on one side of the circuit from damaging constituents or falsifying transmittals on the other side Degree centigrades: UsersSONYDesktopoptocoupler.jpg Figure 2.4 the Thyristor driver2.3.4 AT89C51 microcontroller:The AT89C51 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit personal computer with 4K bytes of Flash programmable and effaceable read merely memory ( PEROM ) . The device is manufactured utilizing Atmel ‘s high-density nonvolatilizable memory engineering and is compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 direction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the plan memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatilizable memory coder. By uniting a various 8-bit CPU with Flash on a massive bit, the Atmel AT89C51 is a powerful personal computer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-efficient solution to many embedded control applications. Degree centigrades: UsersSONYDesktopSdochan89C51.jpg Figure 2.5 8051 Microcontroller

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Conception and Ethics of Attire in Puritans of Elizabeth and Jacob Era Essay

In English literature, importance of religion can not be denied at any cost. Two thoughts had emerged up since yet in Elizabeth England therefore their believes, faith and conviction became solid in nature. A thing is mandatory in distinct dimensions initial in esteem of nature for the safeguarding of being healthy. Next would be honor for place, calling and clause for the repairs and maintenance therefore human literature talks about ethics and tradition which normally is being prevailed inside particular place. [ ] Catholic and puritan is two distinctive segment of religion in England. England’s Golden Age The mainly fabulous era of English literature, called the Elizabethan Age. It was started in the later years of Elizabeth’s mortality. Francis Bacon wrote on ‘The Faerie Queene’ in her honor. Shakes came before her but at the time of her casualty he had not yet written most of his great tragedies. Elizabeth enjoyed plays, but there is no verification that she appraised Shakespeare’s genius in Golden age, catholic were more in number than puritans [ ] In 1500, transformational phase was being proceeded as believes, thoughts and faith had been getting shape therefore official religion was that one which king or queen personally liked and brought it into limelight by teaching this particular religion. But some people had to adhere the fact if they fell in wrong religion therefore they treated like bull shit. They had remained risk of losing their wealth and property in any case of mishap. Puritans were basically invention of martin Luther who made this particular segment for the sake of abstaining comment from outside. Like in transformational period, people started to question on the Roman Catholic practitioner and followers. Generically term puritan narrates to protestant infect people who accused to protest against the set pattern of catholic terms. The major code of Puritanism was God’s supreme power on human contact therefore inside the church and particularly as spoken in the Bible. This view put them to request jointly to person and shared conformance to the training of the Bibl, and it put them to pursue both ethical clarity down to the nominal feature as well as church transparency to the maximum level. Puritan community really gave prestigious value both man and woman as if defined their roles in society. puritan had many conflicting points with catholic as portents didn’t believe in hierarchical relation of religious servers in church but this side of people like father who used to deliver indispensable services to people but catholic after passage of time replaced this idea therefore conflicts in believe a raised which made distribution among people. Eventually two groups of people arise. The basic of social classification exerted authority of husband on wife, parents over children and owner on servants in social context. Puritan wedding preferences were prejudiced by juvenile people’s leaning, by parents by the social ranks [ ]. Which have cavernous touch to puritan method of bandage because family setup talks about personal liking and disliking that’s why this key influencing factor always have some imposed thinking in the mind of individual who is usually pertaining entitlement of that community.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Struggle of Men During Vietnam War in ‘Goodnight Saigon’ Essays

The Struggle of Men During Vietnam War in ‘Goodnight Saigon’ Essays The Struggle of Men During Vietnam War in ‘Goodnight Saigon’ Paper The Struggle of Men During Vietnam War in ‘Goodnight Saigon’ Paper Goodnight Saigon is a song written by an American musician, Billy Joel. The song was written sometime around 1982 in response to the harsh treatment of the Vietnam War veterans. Joel tried to paint a picture of what it is like to go through the war in this song. The main theme of the song, the struggles of men in war, is depicted through simile, antithesis In this song, simile is used to compare the men drafted into war to other things with word such as â€Å"as† or â€Å"than†. To show the struggle of the men when they came to war, Joel mentioned that they â€Å"came in spastic like tameless horses† (5). Tamless horses’ is something that is wild and could not be controlled easily; therefore, he tried to imply that the men were unwilling and reluctant to go to war with this simile. A lot of the men opposed the war, which caused some of them to escape to another country, and being drafted into the war mainly relied on luck. Some of these men were forced to leave their family, friends and job back home and some of them felt that it was wrong to be a part of the Vietnam War but Once they arrived at the battlefield, their next struggle will be about facing their opponents. To them, their opponent was deemed to be â€Å"as sharp as knives† (31) and they struggled a lot to fight them. They struggled a lot with the unfamiliar environment and climate, and they obviously could not fight off the opponent who had been prepared for the arrival of these soldiers. Just like they barley had any experiences in their adult life, they lack skills in fighting the war and it left them feeling scared and confused most of the time. Some might think that war is a common event with the problems in today’s society. They hear about it everywhere – movies, news, parliamentary debate. But it has never occurred to them how a war actually affects or changes a person. It was said that a person returning from war will never be the same person as he left. In this song, Joel used antithesis to contribute some contrast regarding the character of the men before and after they went to war. For example, the first two lines introducing the:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Book Awards Open to Self-Published Books

Book Awards Open to Self-Published Books Book awards have made great strides in broadening eligibility rules to allow authors to submit self-published books. When I first began collecting information about awards for published books, many of them only accepted submissions and nominations from publishers themselves. This has changed. The following is a list of some of the many book awards that are open to self-published authors. Some of the awards are limited to authors writing in specific genres, while others have a regional focus. North Street Book Prize Winning Writers recently announced it is sponsoring the North Street Book Prize, aimed at recognizing outstanding self-published books. Categories for this first year are Mainstream/Literary Fiction, Genre Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction. The cost is $50.00 per entry, and the winner in each category will receive $1,500 plus a variety of marketing services. Two honorable mentions in each category will receive $250. All contestants receive a selection of helpful guides for publishing and promotion. The Foreword Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards Accepts self-published books in more than 60 categories/genres, including Fantasy, Humor, Travel, Juvenile Fiction, Picture Books, and True Crime. The early-bird entry fee is $79, plus two copies of the book, for each category in which the book is entered. The top three winners in each category receive publicity and can order stickers to put on their books. Monetary awards are given to one best â€Å"fiction† and one best â€Å"nonfiction† book. The Eric Hoffer Award for Independent Books Offers awards in several writing categories, including Poetry, General Fiction, E-book Fiction, and E-book Nonfiction, as well as categories Debut-litzer Prizes The literary non-profit organization Late-Night Library sponsors the Debut-litzer Prizes for a first work of fiction or poetry. Submissions are accepted from authors or publishers, and self-published works are eligible, provided the work is the â€Å"first† in the genre Thorpe Menn Literary Excellence Award Presented American Book Awards The Before Columbus Foundation sponsors the American Book Awards, which has no restrictions on self-published books. It is open to anyone, and there are no categories; awardees are selected solely based on literary excellence. The cost to enter is two copies of the book. While there is no monetary prize, award winners are formally recognized at a ceremony, and are given publicity through the Before Columbus Foundation website. Other awards include the Minnesota Book Awards (, the Brockman-Campbell Book Award (, the Lambda Literary Awards (, and the Hurston/Wright Legacy Award ( Although these do not have restrictions on self-published books, other eligibility requirements may apply. Please refer to award websites for complete and updated information, as well as details on entry deadlines.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Randel and Puglisi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Randel and Puglisi - Essay Example Puglisi demonstrates that Wahunsonnacoc had priorities that included expansion of his kingdom at the time James Smith arrived in Jamestown and accepted the trade gesture. This narration shows the extent of established government structure and organized social form of the native Indians. Puglisi gives a chronological order of events and discusses the progressive interaction between Wahunsonnacoc and James Smith until Captain Christopher Newport comes into the picture. Randel emphasizes the perception of John Smith towards the Indians. He gives a shallow detail on how John Smith interacted with the chief who controlled the existing native Indian Kingdom by that time. He rather emphasizes the experiences of John Smith in captivity with limited information on the socio-political significance attached to such an episode to the native Indians. Randel gives much attention to the view of John Smith as a sympathizer to the Native Indians after they were overwhelmed and colonized by the Britis h. He focuses much on James town but fails to give a detailed order of event with particular involvement of the native chieftaincy during the colonization attempts. There is a significant line of similarity as far as the concept of ethno history is addressed by Randel and Puglisi. Evident misinterpretation between the John Smith as the Englishmen agent and the native chief Wahunsonnacoc seems to underlies the interaction of the two groups. Each side is presented as having planned agenda with significant deviation and battle for superiority.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Macroeconomics...........case5 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Macroeconomics...........case5 - Case Study Example Economist Paul Collier, of Oxford Univesity in England, has examined what went wrong with these â€Å"trapped countries.† Based on decades of research, he identifies some poverty traps. About 750 million people of the bottom billion have recently lived through, or are still in the midst of, a civil war. Such wars can drag on for years with economically disastrous consequences. For example, the ethnic conflict in Burundi between the Hutus and the Tutsis has lasted three decades, which helps explain that country’s poorest-in-the-world ranking. Unfortunately, the poorer a country becomes, the more likely it is to succumb to civil war. And once a country goes through one civil war, more are likely. Ethnic conflict, or civil war, is Collier’s first poverty trap. But why, aside from poverty itself, are so many sub-Saharan countries mired in civil war? He finds that three factors heighten the risk of such conflicts: (1) a relatively high proportion of young, uneducated men with few job prospects (who, thus, have a low opportunity cost); (2) an imbalance between ethnic groups, with one tending to outnumber the rest; and (3) a supply of natural resources like diamonds or oil, which both creates an incentive to rebel and helps finance that rebellion. The presence of mineral wealth in an otherwise poor country can also undermine democracy itself. Government revenue from mineral sales reduces taxes, which dampens public debate about how taxes should be spent. For example, because of oil revenue, the Nigerian government relies less on taxes, so there is less pressure for government accountability, and hence fewer checks and balances on a corrupt government. Thus, misuse of resource wealth is Collier’s second poverty trap. About 300 million o f the poorest billion live in countries that have fallen into this trap. This leads us to the third poverty trap: a dysfunctional or corrupt government. Government